Canadian Forestry Program Accreditation
The Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB) is responsible for the accreditation of Canadian post-secondary forestry programs for the purpose of meeting academic requirements for professional certification.
The board accredits Canadian forestry programs at the baccalaureate level and higher as a service to its member agencies. This process ensures that accredited programs meet or exceed common standards.
Accreditation applies to an individual program that leads to a forestry-related degree. Departments, faculties or universities are not accredited nor are programs outside Canada. At present, ten baccalaureate level and two master's level forestry programs in Canada have accredited status.
Accreditation of a program is achieved through an on-site visit to the university faculty by a team of forestry professionals drawn from a range of disciplines and segments of the forestry sector. The academic curriculum is thoroughly reviewed. Learning facilities, physical plant, educational environment, faculty experience and qualifications, student/graduate skills and competencies, competency assessment procedures, and program stability and support within and outside the university are all considered during the visit. The findings of the site visit team are recorded in a report which is reviewed by the board prior to an accreditation decision.
Programs may be accredited for a maximum of six years. Accreditation for shorter periods may be granted if there are shortcomings in meeting the requirements of the Accreditation Standards. Accreditation may be rejected if critical academic shortcomings exist.

Provides information on currently accredited degree forestry offered at Canadian post-secondary forestry schools.
Outlines the academic standards used in accrediting post-secondary forestry programs in Canada.
Introduces the principles of accreditation and the elements of the program assessment process. Accreditation criteria are outlined in the curriculum, program outcomes and program environment areas.