Professional Standards
Professional competency standards provide an overall framework for the entry-to-practice* for a profession. Each standard describes, in broad terms, the set of practices, experiences, and behaviours that an individual must be able to meet in order to register as a regulated profession within a profession, regardless of area of practice.
*Entry-to-practice is the educational and experience-related qualifications which are equivalent to the level of a new graduate of an accredited forestry program, required before a person can practice a profession.
The standards provide the framework for practice in Canada by:
describing performance criteria for each profession,
providing a framework for professional practice, and
providing a foundation to all aspects of the regulation of the profession including registration, practice standards, and professional exams.
Accreditation standards are used to assess post-secondary forestry programs for accreditation reviews and professional competency standards apply to individual applicants for registration.
Each set of professional standards are comprised of standards. Each standard details the demonstrable competency requirements and nested elements or measures arranged in a progression of understanding for the given standard.
Academic standards used in conducting accreditation reviews of post-secondary forestry programs.
These are the standards for the Credential Assessment Process (CAP).
Potential CAP candidates must discuss registration options with the Registrar of the FPRC association in the jurisdiction in which they wish to practice.